Monday, 28 March 2011

Inspiration for Digipack

I was inspired for my digipack ideas by a number of various bands with a similar genre to the band I am doing my music video for, which is the indie genre the examples I have used to inspire my design are from two popular bands in this genre Vampire Weekend and The Strokes. The following examples I used on thge 'Idea 2' of my rough designs for my digipack.

This first example is the album cover for Vampire Weekend's second album which I took for inspiration which is clear on the front cover of my 'Idea 2' rough design.

Another example that inspired me when making my digipack was this picture which can again be seen in a similar fashion on my rough designs on 'Idea 2'. I used this because I thought it was effective and typified the sort of indie genre I want.

Thanks to these examples I feel my finished digipack will be effective in relaying an example of my genre, I plan to finish my digipack within the next week or so allowing time for organisation and unexpected events, and will upload them soon.

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