Monday, 8 November 2010

Laura Mulvey's Gaze Theory

Laura Mulvey a professor of film and media studies and former employee of the British Film Institute devised a theory on the male gaze while watching items of media in particular music videos. Laura identified that in most cases the audience is put into the perspective hetrosexual male in which for example womens curves when featured in videos are lingered on for longer in order to appeal more to the male hetrosexual audience. She argues that males have a different mind set to females in terms of the way they percieve the opposite sex.

Her theory suggests that women are used as objects in music videos rather than actual people, this again forces the point that a large amount of music videos are viewed through a male perspective to which women are almost forced to accept. Some feminists believe that women watch it to try and conform almost to the hegemonic norms established by the interests of men.

This is a prime example of this theory.

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